The thread used for all of the earrings, except for the blue ones, is C-Lon micro bead cord. This nylon thread lends itself nicely to the delicate lace and, thanks also to the bonding in it, makes the lace crisp and durable. The blue pair was made with a polyester sewing thread. Absence of bonding in the thread produced a softer, less crisp lace. It was also harder to work with, since the bonding, among other advantages, gives thread a smooth protective coating. In spite of that I like this pair for its rich blue color, which makes a good match for a pair of casual blue jeans.
A palette of colors for beads, C-Lon micro cord and similar nylons provides almost endless possibilites for creating colorful jewelry that can be matched to any outfit and purpose. And this color aspect makes it even more exciting, since the color here is expressed not only in beads but also in the "framing filigree" of lace.
I used river shell beads in all of the designs, pearls (in the pink/champagne pair and the green pair in the center), and glass beads (also in the green pair). The long beads are encased between two tatted rings on both sides of a bead, holding it securely in place. That's my little trick.
Rediscovering old needlework techniques has always been inspiring.
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